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ByteRun HTML Protector

Completely web site, set passwords and more to protect ...


"Completely web sites, passwords, and more ..."< br> runterload.de Editor: * Completely encrypt the source of the HTML page set up to protect.
The source does not find any word protected content.
it protects JavaScript.
This protects your web design.
This protects the content of your site.
It "Form" protects-hack.
This e-mail, protects against sniffing.

* Optional password to put pages.
pages will be given access only to authorized visitors.

* Optionally disable offline browsing as.
And the site offline in order for someone to spread, it can be stopped.

* Optionally disable showing links to.
connections is valuable, showing, but they still work to prevent them is provided.

<Br> * Optionally disable the text selection.
This protects the content of your site. Pages will be no one "copy and paste" information.

* Optionally disable the right click on pages.
This protects against saving images of pages.
Copy protect the links pages. Now you can download free ByteRun HTML Protector 2.6.

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